[Wolves] Power of moaning at a LUG meeting

Stephen Parkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Thu Apr 18 14:21:28 UTC 2013

On 18 April 2013 15:01, Dave Morley <davmor2 at davmor2.co.uk> wrote:

> /me moans that there aren't enough hours in the day and I'm not a
> millionaire.  I'll get back to you tomorrow to let you know who sent
> the cheque :)

A cheque for more hours in the day?

Can you see the problem with this theory?  A cheque for something as
fundamental to our understanding of the nature of the universe and the
human condition as time?  Are you a fool?

Everything's digital these days.  As Homer himself once said, and I'm
paraphrasing, "David, In this house we obey the rules of
thermodynamics and modern international banking systems".  It was
something like that anyway but the point is you'll need to at least
supply an IBAN number for a transaction like this.


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