[Wolves] Log Analysis tools

Simon Burke simonb at fatsportsman.eu
Thu Jul 10 09:27:36 UTC 2014

Morning all,

Does anyone have any preference when it comes to tools for Log analysis.
Currently I have been scripting data into a MySQL DB and using SQL to get 
some meaningful data out, but considering we're talking nearly 1Gb of logs 
a day to process this is not the best solution.

I've now been playing with sawmill that does the job fine, dump the logs 
into a directory daily and then let it run overnight to produce nice 
pretty reports.

But is there a better way?

The reason this has come around is because until I started here there was 
no real management of server here rather than just break/fix. Not even any 
real capacity planning etc. I wont give an example as its upsetting.


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