[Wolves] Colocation

Stephen Welch stephen at welchspace.co.uk
Wed Aug 26 11:15:23 UTC 2015

On 26/08/2015 11:11, Stephen Welch wrote:
> On 26/08/2015 11:13, Simon Burke wrote:
>> So we're re-jigging the DR side of things at work and need to find 
>> somewhere to collocate a few servers. does anyone have any 
>> recommendations? Management for some reason have decided they 
>> specifically want it to be in the West-Milds/Staffs/Shrop area. Else 
>> there's always Bytemark/Rackspace and the likes.
> Veloxserve near Fordhouses.
> https://www.veloxserv.co.uk/
> Speak to Craig.
Do you remember the Gov project to centralise the emergency services IT 
/ call systems?  Well they built a number of these buildings around the 
country at a cost of X million each and then around 2008 they abandoned 
them.  It sat used used for a couple of years before an IT business took 
residency in the office section.  The data centre bit is supported with 
all the normal facilities.

The only other one I know of is in Studley which is bit far south for 
your requirements.

This is useful



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