[Wolves] Connection to server in gajim

John Alexander acontractornow at yahoo.co.uk
Wed May 13 13:09:53 UTC 2015

I used Gajim to connect to my mate's server.
Have you checked that you checked the SSL options and other stuff like 
allow SSL certs that are not valid
in case you are using self signed certs or ones that aren't absolutely 

Been ages since I used it but that was the kind of troubles I had and 
probably worth a punt!

On 13/05/15 13:45, Ron Wellsted wrote:
> On 11/05/15 13:18, John Rose wrote:
>> Anybody any experience with jabber based clients such as gajim?
>> I'm using gajim with BOSH URL of
>> https://jabber.hot-chilli.net/http-bind, which AFAIK should use 443 -
>> port is open in firewall).
>> I'm not able to change my Personal Information (in gajim) due to it
>> saying "Not connected to server". I'm able to ping jabber.hot-chill.net
>> (with successful result to despina.hot-chilli.net (
>> I have port 443 open in & out for tcp & udp.
>> What do I do to connect to server in gajim?
>> -- 
>> John
> Hi,
> Sorry to say that it looks like nobody on the mailing list has any
> experience or suggestions in this area.  If you do manage to find a
> solution, please post it to the list so that future seekers of knowledge
> will find the results of your efforts.
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