[Wolves] OT recycling old computers n servers , how does the wee work?

Peter Cannon dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Sun Oct 16 14:52:50 UTC 2016

On 15/10/16 11:11, Mark Croft Redditch Linux Mint via Wolves wrote:
> i been told by a local computer company that they have to send there
> old customer servers off too be stripped down cos of the EU Wee regs?
> any ideas how i could get my hands on the servers without breaking any
> laws about recycling and end of life issues.
> I have a friend that wants to learn more about sql server and needs a
> cheap server & reporting services etc (from me) too do the learning on
> and hopefully save the NHS his employer stacks of money and time cos
> they still in the dark ages doing database stuff with the help of
> excel and manual moving data around in that tool that they seem to
> love with a passion.
> They no chance of moving them off sql server its an impossible dream
> will never happen.

They don't 'have' to strip them down if 'they' can demonstrate they were sold for reuse. They are supposed to destroy or erase the hard drives under the data protection act though. In practice they just wipe and re-install.

They don't do this for the love of the planet however, they do it for profit so you'll have to stump up cash. You can look at these guys for a wide variety of 'things' http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/computerdisposalsltd they do do servers. they're ebay shop is OK for single items but you can buy their laptops, PC's and servers cheaper by calling them direct (Ask for Steve Thorpe) but they don't like doing single items that direct tbh, they're looking for bulk orders.

You can give my mate Matt a call at http://www.gbuksystems.com/ he does have some servers in, but you'll need a couple of hundred quid. CDL is going to be your cheapest. I know a fair few others as I sell refurbished kit at work but they're mainly for business.

There is, as mentioned on another mailing list Tier 1, I knew some of the guys at Tier 1 when they worked at a company called Ampersand based in Liverpool. I'm not saying Ampersand was dodgy but once when I was visiting a Transit Van pulled in, ALL the staff jumped up and unloaded it quicker than you can say "Ubuntu who?" sooo the saying "Leopard" and "Spots" springs to mind. :-D

P.S. But hey, why take my advice? I just happen to actually work in the industry and unlike some don't think I know it all. :-D

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