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Hi Jono<BR>
On Mon, 2004-02-09 at 13:21, Jono Bacon wrote:
<PRE><FONT COLOR="#737373"><I>Hi Peter,
Of course you are forgiven. We are all mates here. :)
Incidentally, I have been posting around to try and
find out why your messages are being stopped. IT is
also starting to happen to other LUG members too. </I></FONT>Phew! the way my luck has gone this week </PRE>
<PRE>I was expecting to be the only victim </PRE>
<PRE><FONT COLOR="#737373"><I>I
think the spam filter is having issues.
I will kepp you posted with what is going on. :)</I></FONT></PRE>
Sending some more postings between now and 5:30 today (misuse of company bandwidth again) if you get a chance can you keep your eye out<BR>
<PRE><FONT COLOR="#737373"><I>
--- Peter Cannon <peter@cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk>
> Hi All
> Anyone fancy teaching an idiot how to do a simple
> home network?
> I would like to get my laptop connected to my base
> unit at home, nothing
> fancy just to (initially) swap files, backup laptop
> to base unit HDD.
> I have a DELL laptop which is Fedora Core1 (from the
> Linux format cover
> disk) I have a work profile: "centro" with a domain
> of
> peterc.centrosales.co.uk and IP and subnet for work
> on eth03 (This works
> fine (at work)), I have also created a "home"
> profile: on eth02 this
> currently has the standard IP and standard
> subnet.
> My base unit is an Hyunjui (you wont have heard of
> it) with an external
> Hayes modem and three HDD's running dual boot win98
> HDD1 40GB and SuSe
> Pro 9 (Retail version) HDD2 40GB. I think the domain
> is Linux@localhost?
> I read through both the RedHat and SuSe manuals all
> Friday night and
> Saturday morning, after four extra strength
> Ibuprofen I am still none
> the wiser.
> I have NIS and NFS installed on the base unit, I'm
> no expert but I think
> the Laptop is using static IP (This is because work
> set it up for me) I
> assume the base is using DHCP (This is possibly the
> problem?). The
> manuals go on about exporting folders but if I read
> it correctly they
> would be exported to the very machine I am working
> on ie, my base unit
> (bit of a stupid idea why would I want to export
> something I can access
> normally back into itself?) I have a rough idea
> regarding the principals
> of networks (under windows) I assume I could give
> the base unit an IP of
> and the laptop under the profile of
> "home" would that
> work?
> Can someone spare 5 mins to send me an idiots guide
> to home networking
> in plain non techie language, something along the
> lines of "on your base
> unit click on this then click on that, type this,
> save that, start such
> and such a service"
> Then "on your Laptop click on this then click on
> that, type this, save
> that, start such and such a service"
> I don't like messing around with the settings on my
> laptop as work gets
> a bit arsey about putting them back in again. I read
> somewhere that you
> can have a work and a home profile so that all I
> need to do is switch
> between profiles (I can do that (1 team point to me
> I think)).
> My ultimate goal is to have my base unit as a (Home)
> Server and the
> laptop as a mobile slave.
> I downloaded SuSe9 but couldn't fathom out how to
> install it so went
> out and spent the kids pocket money on a retail
> version I (Like Real
> fool) presumed that I would get manuals which would
> explain everything
> in a user friendly way, Wrong, the user guide is OK
> for the basics but
> says refer to the administrator manual for most
> configuration exercises,
> when you go to the administrator manual most of the
> sections have "this
> should only be attempted by an expert" GREAT! it
> then explains in what I
> can only call the ancient language of Etruscan how
> to setup an NFS, NIS
> server
> So to finnish
> 1. Do I need NFS or NIS
> 2. Should both units have static IP and not DHCP
> (remembering the laptop
> doesn't use DHCP (I believe)).
> 3. Am I correct and I can run two profiles
> simultaneously.
> 4. I wish I had a brain.
> 5. In return I may be able to come to the meeting on
> the 11th my wife is
> off work! Anyone wishing to attend my public
> flogging for the "inner
> circle" comment may bring their own birch sticks.
> Regards
> Peter Cannon
> peter@cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
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Jono Bacon - </FONT><A HREF="http://www.jonobacon.org/"><U>http://www.jonobacon.org/</U></A>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">Professional Writer / Web Developer / Musician
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Peter Cannon