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<TITLE>software patents</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Dear all,<BR>
With the software patents regulations being voted on in the European Parliament on the 6th july(Wednesday). now might be a good time to send your your local friendly MEPs an email, or fax, to get them to vote against the proposals. You can find their Email addresses on the European Parliamentary website: <A HREF="http://www.europarl.org.uk/uk_meps/westmidlands.asp">http://www.europarl.org.uk/uk_meps/westmidlands.asp</A><BR>
It is thought that these regs will have the most impact upon multimedia applications, Mplayer, xine and videolan, are amongst those expecting to come under fire if these regs go through. General opinion seems to be that MEPs should be persuaded to vote for the "Buzek-rocard-Duff" amendment. <BR>