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<TITLE>Re: RE: Tumbleweeds.</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>On 05/10/05, Peter Cannon <peter@cannon-linux.co.uk> wrote:<BR>
> On Wednesday 05 October 2005 14:15, Helen Randle wrote:<BR>
> > It would be if they hadn't nicked the idea from Doctor Who!<BR>
> Seeing as I'm an old fart and can remember some really old episodes who was it<BR>
> then the Cybermen? You've got me stumped.<BR>
Got it in one Peter.<BR>
Erm, another little thing of mine....I love Doctor Who :-)))<BR>
Not heard of 'The Knights of Gallifrey'? My Yahoo Group :-)))<BR>
I am only human, please forgive me if I make a mistake it is not deliberate.<BR>
Take care.<BR>
Kevan Farmer<BR>
Oh dear, I seem to have kidnapped the thread and sent it off on a tangental trajectory into an alternative universe.<BR>
However........ The Cybermen were not a collective intelligence but a hierarchical /fascisist structure similar to the daleks, a closer similarity might be the auton intelligence as described in the earlier Jon Pertwee episodes or even the yeti adventures of the troughton era. <BR>
most of these ideas being a spin/rip off of Nigel Kneales excellent Quatermasse stories, collective conciousness/ race memory leading to mass hysteria and race riots, as in 'quatermasse and the pit'. <BR>
Of course, The collective conciousness of the Borg was a metaphor for Communism, The struggle of the individual vs the group ethic, but Hollywood couldn't cope with this concept, needing a protagonist/ antagonist scenario to draw in the hoi poloi, and so the Borg queen was born and Hive conciousness, which is again hierarchical, ruining a perfectly good and frightening idea.<BR>
collective conciousness, has it's ECHO's (see we are getting back to the original thread, eventually) in the concept and structure of the internet. in the event of a nuclear attack,Individual nodes can be blown away without damaging the overall structure so resistance is irrelavant, tell uncle bill right now .......<BR>
I'll get me coat. </FONT>