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<TITLE>re: My day's adventure...</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Kevan Wrote,<BR>
It's generally industry practice to run all power cables downwards<BR>
unless it is impossible to do so. Diagonal runs are very odd. It<BR>
sound to me like the electrician only had a short length of cable and<BR>
had to make do. Or, it was more likely done by an amateur.<BR>
They were professional builders, seem to remember, but they had to stoop everytime they came in the front door so they wouldn't dent their stetsons.<BR>
Just shows how easy it is to make a silly mistake though and place<BR>
yourself in real life threatening danger.<BR>
Mom wasn't too worried in the end, I've got a brother.<BR>
On the BEM front (Different thread, but you'll get rid of me quicker this way) Speilberg is about to remake "When Worlds collide". Mind you, It won't be BEM if he leaves Tom cruise out this time. ( hope so).<BR>