<TITLE>Re: [Wolves] Is my Perl install broken?</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Hi Peter<BR>
cat > test.pl << EOF<BR>
use warnings;<BR>
use strict;<BR>
print “hello world”;<BR>
perl test.pl<BR>
Will give you an indication of *how* broken perl is but it could also be a missing module that can't be loaded by SA<BR>
Is that the entire error? I would expect it to say more<BR>
The error looks like a problem with perl rather than a problem with the perl code IMO<BR>
-----Original Message-----<BR>
From: wolves-bounces@mailman.lug.org.uk <wolves-bounces@mailman.lug.org.uk><BR>
To: Wolves-LUG <wolves@mailman.lug.org.uk><BR>
Sent: Mon Mar 27 14:45:17 2006<BR>
Subject: [Wolves] Is my Perl install broken?<BR>
Hi All<BR>
Is my Perl install broken?<BR>
/usr/bin/perl: error while loading shared libraries: p( Ä? : cannot open<BR>
shared object file: No such file or directory<BR>
Spamassassin reports this error on start up (FC5).<BR>
I had the above system mail today, I put a post on the Fedora Forum this<BR>
morning but nobody has responded yet.<BR>
I don't want to file a bug report just yet in case I'm being a Muppet.<BR>
Any ideas?<BR>
Peter Cannon<BR>
FC5 & SuSE10<BR>
"There is every excuse for not knowing<BR>
There is no excuse for not asking"<BR>
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