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<TITLE>Wolves Digest, Vol 178, Issue 3</TITLE>
<P><FONT size=2>dave h wrote:<BR>>> Do we believe that musicians own the
music they create and have a right<BR>>> to control its distribution? If
so, then 'free software DRM' would be OK.<BR>>> Or is music like software
and once you've written it you must give it<BR>>> away and try to make a
living by selling the service of performing it?<BR>>> This question has
been troubling me for some time because I can't see<BR>>> the difference
between software and music/content. They both take<BR>>> creativity, time
and money (or lost earnings) to
create.<BR>>> <BR>> A prostitute provides a
service, a musician provides a creation (providing<BR>> he/she is writing
his/her own music). The confusion between whores and<BR>> musicians is
easily explained given the number of outrageous pimps that the<BR>> music
industry plays home to these days and the similarity between the two<BR>>
professions, both largely placed upon them from others who seek to
control,<BR>> and profit from, their actions.<BR>I agree but is someone who
writes software a prostitute or a musician?<BR><BR>Is someone who mixes music
being creative or just doing maintenance?</FONT><BR></P>
<P>If the internet was the only way we distributed music, then this surely would
be more of a problem than it is.</P>
<P>for a bit of insight into freesoftware thinking you should look up Eben
Moglen's take on copyright, read either the Dot Communist Manifesto, and
Anarchism triumphant, sound rather Rad i know, but makes good reading ( he talks
about minstrels and wotnot so their are some analogies to be considered).</P>
<P>The reality is that you will sell your music in a number of different ways,
by performing, by selling Cd's, at the shop or at your performances. whichever
way you distribute someone will come along and sample your work and give it to a
friend. This is only theft if that person is making a profit. Consider that this
person is impressed with your work and wants to share it, if that
other person likes your work he may buy it. He won't buy it if he never
hears it. </P>
<P>DRM only works for well known artists, and there are people who still rip
their work, and sell at a profit.</P>
<P>consider releasing work under the creative commons, which is a "fair use
compromise". we still live in a capitalist society and must earn a crust
<P>twopenneth spent.</P>