Palm Vx plus cradle and original software. Screen in good nic.<br>+<br>GSM Phone bolt on.<br><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
</a><br>Analogue Modem bolt on.<br><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
</a><br>Portable keyboard.<br><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
</a><br><br>Documents to go.<br>Desktop to go.<br>Palm Vx Organiser software plus the upgrade disc.<br><br>All of the above works. The palm was locked for ages and multiple resets did nothing. about six weeks ago reset it and it works?!