One of them days. We were told to switch our computers off last night because of changes with the network.<br><br>No other info. given. Turns out that a decision was made to alter the routing (giving everyone new IP addresses and hostnames in the process). Fine for the average user in the average department. However, our department has Software it relies on day-to-day for management of the vehicle fleet, payment of bills, job costing etc. held on a Unix server. This server and a bunch of printers connected to it via hp jetdirect boxes suddenly became 'unavailable' because their old IP addresses (static) were no longer valid.
<br><br>Added to this, we have a vehicle tracking system set up for some managers which can only function with certain ports open for each machine that uses it (defined by IP address). Our IT people therefore have to re-configure the firewall for us to be able to use it. There are one or two other problems to sort, but it's been a nightmare of a day. Consequently, I didn't feel up to coming over to the LUG meeting tonight at all. Any more sight or talk of computers today would have led to a major sense of humour failure.
<br><br>Note to self (and advice to all): If your IT people mention anything about changes with the network again - get someone on the phone who knows what they are talking about and ask them exactly what changes.<br>