Can't remember what Kevan said originally on this thread or what the response was but I feel I must support what he says because:<br><br>a) This is a Linux User Group mailing list and therefore he should be able to vent about the shortcomings of other operating systems in relative safety (without too much adverse reaction). Sure, if any of us complain about Vista on a Microsoft forum we deserve to be challenged.
<br><br>b) Kevan is playing his part in promoting the use of Linux (not sure if this is a stated aim of Wolves LUG - but it should be!). Those members that challenge this and sing the praises of other operating systems here should think about this.
<br><br>c) Where Linux appears to have shortcomings, by all means ask for support on this list or help the community by filing bug reports/change requests (or if you know enough - help improve Linux).<br><br>I am realistic enough to recognise that we live in a Microsoft dominated world at the moment but I believe the tide is turning (slowly but surely).
<br><br>Rob<br><br>Linux Fan :-))<br>