Hi<br><br>I've found IE8 actually very easy to develop for, however the big problem is it is very hard to create a design / code which works in IE8 / IE7 and IE6.<br>IE8 is a vast improvement, but IE7 and IE6 are still very common and make it difficult to build truly cross browser systems.<br>
<br>It is possible using some tricks however it seems a lot of sites can't be bothered to create code which does work at the moment. I expect once IE8<br>is released and used sites will allow for it. <br><br>One of the big problems with IE7 was the take up rate was incredibly slow, it was only about 6 months ago IE7 traffic matched IE6 traffic on my sites.<br>
Given M$ approach to IE8 alot of developers are skeptical of their ability to distribute the product and provide a platform which deterministically selects render mode!<br><br>CE<br>