I had to do this the other day, but the other way round, M4A's -> OGG's.<br><br>Simple bash script should do it:<br><br>#!/bin/sh<br># pipe a list of files into the loop<br>find ./ | grep .*ogg |while read file ; do<br>
# get the file name<br> name=`basename "$file" .ogg`<br> # used oggdec to decode the ogg to wav<br> oggdec -o temp.wav "$file"<br> # encode the wav to an mp3 with lame<br> lame temp.wav "$name.mp3"<br>
done<br>rm temp.wav<br><br>However remember it will not copy the tags over :(<br><br>This site has some decent stuff on it:<br><br><a href="http://gimpel.gi.funpic.de/wiki/index.php?title=Howto:convert_aac/mp4_to_wav/mp3/ogg_on_Linux">http://gimpel.gi.funpic.de/wiki/index.php?title=Howto:convert_aac/mp4_to_wav/mp3/ogg_on_Linux</a><br>