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<BR>> Message: 1<BR>> Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2009 14:22:42 +0100<BR>> From: dick_turpin <dick_turpin@archlinux.us><BR>> Subject: [Wolves] Last nights meet<BR>> To: Wolverhampton Linux User Group <wolves@mailman.lug.org.uk><BR>> Message-ID: <4A27CAA2.6000303@archlinux.us><BR>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1<BR>> <BR>> Hi All<BR>> <BR>> Really enjoyed myself last night TBH for the 1st 20 mins or so I was<BR>> bored out my brains but things soon warmed up as Adam arrived so we had<BR>> someone to kick in the spuds for the rest of the night :-)<BR>> <BR>> As I'm terrible with names;<BR>> <BR>> 1. Did you get your wifi working?<BR>> <BR><BR>
Thanks for your help on this Pete. Am having a "Linux Wi-Fi fix weekend" on both the Dell-C400 and IBM-T41, so will let you know how I get on.<BR>
Yes the LUG evening was fun despite being compared to "Mr Ben" from last years LugRadio Live ;)<BR>
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