<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12pt"><div style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"><br><div style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"><div style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 13px;">>I think you need to make some clear distinctions here;<br><br>>1. Online storage as per the subject:<br>>Some sort of backup service. Like most people even most of my customers<br>>there's a sort of primeval resistance to having your Cornish pasties<br>>stored in someone else's larder. Even if they promise to look after them<br>>safely you still have this fear that some low life is going to approach<br>>them with a jug of gravy.<br><br>Which is how I feel.<br><br>>Its a really good idea in principle, accessible from anywhere, unlimited<br>>capacity (If you have a big
enough wallet) and safe as in if
your office<br>>burnt down and you use some sort of internal backup solution like tapes<br>>etc you'd be stuffed. Having said that you could always backup to an<br>>off-site machine that you owned so its academic.<br><br>True. This applies just the same for a normal household. I had to do that once <br>with some docs and kept them with the in-laws.<br><br><br>>2. Working On-Line:<br>>I do use Google a lot not only mail but docs as well now of course<br>>Google are in fact more evil than Microsoft I've been prophesying for<br>>years that they want to take over the world so with this in mind I<br>>accept they snoop on my data and activity, thing is if I want to look at<br>>hornysnails.com and I'm ashamed of someone finding out perhaps I<br>>shouldn't be looking at it? Which is why I look at
dirtyworms.co.uk<br>>instead. :-)<br><br>I am not visiting these websites in case I get Access Denied!!! then I have to explain myself!!<br>Seriously though, people/companies do all sorts of things with your data.<br><br><br><br>>I use Dropbox a hell of a lot which in a sense is a combination of<br>>Working online and Storage, a 'copy' of your data is kept on their<br>>servers but IMV its a small price to pay and I'm not exactly Barclays<br>>bank or MI5 and any crook who wanted to steal my identity would end up<br>>poorer than when he started.<br><br>It is an issue though. identity theft/data theft for some of the readers I am writing for <br>could be quite damaging. <br><br>>Summary<br>>Working On-Line should be the way forward but I cant see it being<br>>defacto in my life time too many people can find excuses why they simply<br>>must have a PC and everything to be stored locally. I myself am guilty<br>>of that too but
I do do crazy stuff like use my xbox for<br>>browsing/connecting to Google so maybe they should bring out a TV with<br>.Wifi capability (Not that rip off sky or virgin crap) or access to the<br>>Interweb via your fridge to encourage you to use On-line Storage or
work<br>>On-Line.<br><br>I am sure technology will not stop for anyone, and you are probably right. To me it still boils down to the same thing: <br>if we are not careful we will not be in charge of our data, some may even argue that this is already happening.<br><br>Cheers<br><br>Mo<br></div></div>
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