Our Company is glad to see You and welcomes You!<br>
I am a director of the company World Wide Invest Zone , my name is John<br>
Heword. Before i will tell you about a deal i want to apologize if you<br>
didn't like this letter , please don't get mad and just read it , you<br>
will like it , it is a very beneficial deal for you and is not like any<br>
others. If you still confused and don't want to read you can just<br>
delete this letter.<br>
<br>Our company is doing big business things and financial deals all over<br>
the world within many many years already. Every year we're getting<br>
bigger and bigger and achieving new heights and success. If you want to<br>
know more information about that you can visit our website :<br><a href="http://wdinvestzone.biz">http://wdinvestzone.biz</a> .<br>
We want to offer you a part-time job and full-time job also. <br>Currently we don't have our offices in countries such as Australia, New Zealand ,<br>
England and some others. We are hiring as many people as possible to<br>
help us out in this situation, so we can work with other countries<br>
where we still don't have any contact. You can help us with it. We want<br>
to offer you an elite job with high salary. You don't have to have any<br>
experience nor school degree, all you have to be is a human, a good man<br>
or a lady with enthusiasm. We also will train you if you like in the<br>
process. If you like what you are reading and want to know more , then<br>
visit our website and click on "Best Careers" and "Careers" , you can<br>
find many offers on different positions .<br>
What we are promising to you?<br>
We guarantee a high salary from our company , you will get paid at<br>
least 2000 US dollars per week, we pay for your vacations , you can get<br>
a most expensive cruise from us if you like, for 25 days per year, we<br>
pay for everything, we pay for taxi , you can spend 50 US dollars per<br>
day for taxi or save up that money for yourself. Ful weekend days are<br>
saturday and sunday. We also make presents for you and your kids you<br>
have them , on every holiday. You also have a chance to get raised in<br>
position and you get bonuses if you work good.<br>
If you are interested in this offer you have to do the following: <br>come to our site and make a registration (wdinvestzone.biz click "Register")<br>
you will get a free account from our company which you'll be using to<br>
work with us, as soon as you get one we start working with you , you<br>
get activated for work. I wish you to make a rihgt choice and which you<br>
a good luck in this job . That's aboout it , that's all i have to say<br>
right now.<br>
Best Regards,<br>
Family of World Wide Invest Zone<br><a href="mailto:contact@wdinvestzone.biz">