[Wylug-help] Help!!!!

Anne Wilson cannewilson at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 9 22:28:05 UTC 2009

On Monday 09 March 2009 21:45:32 Glenn wrote:
> Oh, on a more serious note has anybody got any advice on installing an
> up to date version of Fedora - the stuff I've read all assumes that I'm
> using a windoze operating system.  I've read somewhere that upgrades
> aren't totally successful and the best route is a new install - is there
> a quick and easy way to do this?

Some people do upgrades and totally get away with it, but there are a few 
things to consider.  If there are major changes in core packages, libraries 
for instance, upgrading can be painful.  The most troublefree method I know is 
to back up your /home - just in case - and if possible back up /etc, so that 
yoiu can use essential config files from there to save time.  Then just go for 
the install, formatting /.  You don't need to format /home (assuming you use a 
separate partition) unless you are jumping a very long way between distro 
releases, where carried over config files might cause problems.

The only important advice I'd give is to make sure that you choose the Custom 
format option during the install - otherwise everything will go into one 
partition.  Recent Fedora releases do LVM abd LUKS encryption by default.  
Either can be turned off during the install, if you wish.

The whole install doesn't take very long - the update that you need 
immediately afterwards can take almost as long as the install did.

Good luck!

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