[Wylug-help] Screen recording with audio and commentary

James Holden wylug at jamesholden.net
Mon Jul 8 08:24:53 UTC 2013

Hi All,

Can anyone recommend a usable screen recording program which can capture the
activity on the screen into a video and include audio from both the program
being recorded as well as commentary from a microphone?

If possible, I'd rather have the ability to record commentary in real time
rather than editing it in later.

There seem to be quite a few that claim to work, but the ones I've tried have
all been deficient or broken in some way.

The audio side of things seems to be the tricky part. I thought PulseAudio was
supposed to be able to feed audio from outputs back to inputs and so on, but it
seems like total voodoo.

Best regards,

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