<p><br />>I appreciate your comments ! For me personally it would matter
little ! The other half would determine priority on weekends ! My
difficulty in getting to meetings, >is that its often 6 pm or later
before I get home. By the time I have finished dinner and driven over to
York the meeting is almost over.</p><p> </p><p>Your not alone in this
one. I work in Leeds and I also find it a bit of a rush to make the
meetings by 7:00. I think the reason for this is because ylug originally
started around the university and people didn't want to go home and
come back. However it does seem to be the case that we have an increasing
number of non-university members. This is a good thing in my opinion.
Personally I'd be in favour of pushing the meetings back an hour or so
but I expect to be shot down for suggesting that.</p><p>I would add that
for the social meets timekeeping tends to be a lot more lax i.e. we're
usually in the pub until they throw us out at 11ish. So if you ever did
feel the urge you could join us later, although I realise it's a
substantial round trip.</p><p>Rich </p>