[Bassetlug mailing] May's Meeting

mj.wells at ischus.co.uk mj.wells at ischus.co.uk
Tue May 4 12:43:28 UTC 2010

I am looking forward to Danny's presentation on programming for Linux 
using MonoDevelop in the meeting on May 7th.

I have managed to install MonoDevelop using the package manager on a 
desktop running Ubuntu, I just need to find a laptop that works and put 
Ubuntu on it in time for next Friday! I haven't managed that yet, but 
this is just the incentive I need to try a bit harder.

Just in case I have to use my laptop with the 'other' OS - I see that 
MonoDevelop has a package for Windows at http://monodevelop.com/Download

You need The NET 3.5 framework, the GTK# and the MonoDevelop to be 
installed in that order.

I also see that MonoDevelop runs on Mac OS X. I think that needs Mono 
and GTK# installed first.

Would it be OK Danny if people that don't have a Linux distribution on 
their laptop install MonoDevelop on whatever they have got for the 
presentation? Will what you do still work?


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