[Bassetlug mailing] Raspberry Pi Projects

Danny Roberts dannyroberts.personal at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 7 12:29:41 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Martin - In response to your previous mail to the list I thought I'd
seperate out the threads as it where.

Personally I'd love to see how to create a "basic" OS using C and assembler
where possible. So if people agree we could continue down that road, and
maybe develop it into an RTOS for our DalekPi project?

Whilst I was at the group last night I noticed a number of gcc arm cross
compilers in the repos so i'll see how hard it is to set up the cross
compiler toolchain.

As for the time leading up to September Ithink the Dalek project might be
the way to go personally but I am very open to other ideas as there are a
number of things you know I'd be interested to look at such as mesh
networking & brambles.

A get together sounds fun though I am not sure how many people we could get
involved. Maybe instead of the other LUG route it could be an event
focussed on RasPi, teachers and kids, get them over, have some
demos/presentations and a BBQ etc? I'm not sure just inviting other LUG's
etc would get a decent turn out. Though I think it's an interesting idea
either way.

The Sheffield LUG trip is something we've been putting off for a while for
some reason or another - perhaps we should check their timetable to see
when they're meeting/what they're doing and see if enough of us want to go.

Kind Regards
Danny R

Website: http://danny-roberts.info/

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