[Beds] Do you have a GNU/Liunx story to tell?

Neil Darlow neil at darlow.co.uk
Thu Dec 11 07:58:48 GMT 2003


I thought that for today, and this evening's meeting, a theme is in order. I'm 
interested in hearing peoples experience in using GNU/Linux on the desktop.

Is Doris on the frontdesk an OpenOffice Diva, is your Graphics Department full 
of GIMP Gurus, is your campus full of TeX Tecchies?

Let's have some answers to the following questions:

* We use GNU/Linux on the desktop because...
* I would use GNU/Linux on the desktop if only...

Save the best answers for this evening at 8:00PM, The Pilgrim's Progress Pub,
Bedford. See you there ;-)

Neil Darlow M.Sc. - Beds LUGMaster
ICQ: 135505456  E-Mail, Jabber and MSNM: <neil at darlow.co.uk>
Free Software and Open Standards Consultants - http://www.darlow.co.uk/
The Association of Free Software Professionals - http://www.afsp.org.uk/

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