[Beds] Broadcast packets over VPN

Neil Darlow neil at darlow.co.uk
Tue Mar 18 10:18:01 2003

Hash: SHA1

Hi Jon,

On Tuesday 18 Mar 2003 08:38, Jonathan Dye wrote:
> I've managed to set up a VPN between myself and a friend using IPSec.  We
> both have /24 subnets in the network, he has a gateway with a
> static IP and mine is dynamic.  When I dialup my computer initiates a
> connection to his (always on) gateway.  Everything work fine in that we can
> connect between machine in our networks across the VPN.

So your subnet is 10.0.0.X with a broadcast address of and your 
network interface has been configured for this broadcast address?

> The problem I have is that it doesn't appear that broadcast packets get
> routed across the link (and I wasn't expecting them to cross routers).  But
> this is a problem because we want to allows CUPS and SMB across the link
> and both programs use broadcasts to announce their presence.  I know we can
> set up CUPS to use a specific address and we can set up Samba to use a WINS
> server but I'd really like to get it to work without doing those things.
> Does anyone know of a way to get this to work or should I give up and use
> the previously mentioned methods?

I don't see a problem with configuring CUPS or Samba to use a specific IP or 
network address range. This is exactly what I do.

Neil Darlow M.Sc. -- Beds LUGmaster
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ICQ: 135505456  E-Mail, Jabber and MSNM: <neil at darlow.co.uk>
Free Software and Open Standards Consultants - http://www.darlow.co.uk/
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
