[Beds] (Ab)use of mailing list

Neil Darlow neil at darlow.co.uk
Wed Sep 17 17:38:00 2003

Hi All,

There have been a number of postings to the mailing list, by members, using 
non-subscribed addresses.

Manually approving these posts is tedious and I would rather restrict my 
intervention to just deleting Spam.

Please can you assist me by subscribing any address you use to post. It 
doesn't matter to the list manager that members subscribe both home and work 

Neil Darlow M.Sc.
ICQ: 135505456  E-Mail, Jabber and MSNM: <neil at darlow.co.uk>
Free Software and Open Standards Consultants - http://www.darlow.co.uk/
The Association of Free Software Professionals - http://www.afsp.org.uk/