[Beds] October Meeting

Neil Darlow neil at darlow.co.uk
Mon Sep 29 08:09:11 BST 2003

Hi All,

You may be aware that our October meeting day falls on the second day of
Linux Expo 2003, Olympia, London.

In light of this, I propose we slip the meeting to the following Thursday 16th 
October at our usual venue and time.

For those not attending the Linux Expo this will afford an opportunity to be 
briefed by those who did.

Neil Darlow M.Sc.
ICQ: 135505456  E-Mail, Jabber and MSNM: <neil at darlow.co.uk>
Free Software and Open Standards Consultants - http://www.darlow.co.uk/
The Association of Free Software Professionals - http://www.afsp.org.uk/

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