[Beds] Re: Next meeting

Tom Chance lists at tomchance.org.uk
Wed Apr 7 12:30:01 BST 2004


Last time I talked to Neil he said it was this Thursday, so I think it's safe 
to turn up :-)

For anyone coming, Rob Scott and I are going to Brussels next week for some 
conferences and a demonstration on software patents, and we're representing 
the Beds LUG, and, since we're the only English people there, England :-) I'd 
appreciate people's thoughts on the following that I just got from the MEP 
co-ordinating one of the conferences:

The G-LUG meeting is from 9 to 11. What doyou want to discuss ? What issues
 do you want to see on the table ? Why did you come all the way to Brussels ?

One idea could be that G-LUGs be divided into 3 groups :
Group 1 : what is a G-LUG ? What is the situation in my country (this can be
 particularly interesting for persons from the new members states of the EU
 because we don't know so much about them). Group 2 : what could G-LUGs do at
 European level thinking about the fact that more and more laws that shape
 the "information society" are decided in Brussels (EUCD, IP enforcement,
 sofwtare patents ....) ? Group 3 : what do G-LUGs want from Brussels/EP : is
 the ruling against Microsoft by the European Commission appropriate ? Should
 EU institutions switch to free/open source software ?

You can either e-mail me asap or we can talk about it tomorrow.


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