[Beds] Meeting day was: October 2005 Meeting

Adrian St. John adrian at stjohn-home.net
Wed Nov 2 17:52:32 GMT 2005

On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 07:41:54PM +0100, Neil Darlow wrote:
> I think the problem is more one of value i.e. what can we do to encourage
> more people to attend meetings. I'm all for arranging activities with e.g. 
> hardware and Internet access but there would be a financial cost involved
> and I would need some level of commitment from members to attend.

I think what would help is to for the meetings to be more structured and
have specific topics that are known about well in advance.

Having a bit more publicity might help as well. I know its not UK
specific but a posting on comp.os.linux.announce might help - enough
other LUGs post meetings there.

Another thing I was thinking about was the venue - its always quite
noisy and crowded and occasionally we have problems getting seats. I was
going to suggest another pub in Bedford that is a lot quieter (and would
be happy with the increase in trade, no matter how small), but it
doesn't have suitable parking nearby.

As for things like internet access there is WiFi in The Pilgrims
Progress at around 6 quid per hour which wouldn't have to be purchased
in advance. If we could get agreement from the management for power then
we can always have a laptop that connects in.

> Regards,
> Neil Darlow

Adrian St. John

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