[Beds] Meeting day was: October 2005 Meeting

Neil Darlow neil at darlow.co.uk
Thu Oct 20 20:17:43 BST 2005

Hi Tony,

On Wednesday 19 Oct 2005 23:34, Tony Tibbenham wrote:
> Did the meeting happen?  Did your wife get to her class?  If Thursday is a
> problem maybe consider another night

We could consider changing the meeting day but it would be some time
away as my wife adjusts her School Calendar around my evening-out 

I think the problem is more one of value i.e. what can we do to encourage
more people to attend meetings. I'm all for arranging activities with e.g. 
hardware and Internet access but there would be a financial cost involved
and I would need some level of commitment from members to attend.

As far as I know, the meeting didn't proceed. At least I haven't received any
feedback to the contrary.

Neil Darlow

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