Fwd: [Beds] Who's Here?

Stephen Newey stephen at freakymousemats.com
Tue Aug 29 15:15:28 BST 2006

Thanks Mike. Just forwarding your message to the list so everyone  
gets it.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: <0MMyrtek at oag.com>
> Date: 29 August 2006 15:14:17 BDT
> To: <stephen at freakymousemats.com>
> Subject: RE: [Beds] Who's Here?
> Hi Stephen,
> I have been a member (silent very silent) in the lug.
> 1. Say Hi! So we know who's here.
> 	HI :)
> 2. Whereabouts are you?
> 	Dunstable, but I have no transport.
> 3. What's your relationship with Linux? (how did you come to use it,
> what do you use it for, etc)
> 	I use it at work.
> 4. What's your preferred distribution? (no need to get into why
> unless you really want to, just establishing a demographic!)
> 	Fedora 4 5
> 5. What do you hope to get out of being involved with a Linux User
> Group? What sort of things would you like to see the group do?
> 	As I have not been at any meeting I really don't know what the
> lug can 	do for me or what I can do for the lug.
> 	My intentions were good when I joined, but things get in the
> way. What 	DO you do in a lug??
> Anyway I thought I answer because it is not polite not to :)
> Cheers Mike

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