[Beds] Stepping-down as LUG Master

David Pashley david at davidpashley.com
Tue Mar 21 12:31:20 GMT 2006

On Mar 21, 2006 at 12:23, Neil Darlow praised the llamas by saying:
> I've already thrown an idea at Tony Tibbenham, in a private e-mail, about a  
> *nix User Group embracing the *BSDs, Linux and Mac-OSX. Those of you who
> know me will already know of my affection for FreeBSD.
Each to their own :) Sounds like a good idea.

> It's something I want to reflect on before committing myself and I have to 
> consider that many LUG members may prefer to remain under the lug.org.uk 
> umbrella.
Have to say that I never really considered bedslug to be part of
lug.org.uk. As far as I was concerned they provided the mailing list
intrastructure and listing. I know GLLUG (greater london) don't use
lug.org.uk for mailing lists. 

David Pashley
david at davidpashley.com
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione.

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