[Blackpool] Fwd: [Fsuk-manchester] IMPORTANT: okay computer list sign up.

Les Pounder lespounder at gmail.com
Mon May 30 18:50:10 UTC 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Anna Morris" <say.hello.to.anna at googlemail.com>
Date: 30 May 2011 19:27
Subject: [Fsuk-manchester] IMPORTANT: okay computer list sign up.
To: <fsuk-manchester at nongnu.org>, <MAN-LUG at listserv.manchester.ac.uk>

Dear all,

Due to popular demand and general sensibleness, we now have a mailing list
for okay_computer!

This list will be for organisers and attendees alike, so everyone can muck
in together: anyone, from any group and of any skill level is *welcome! *

*For organisers:* this list will be the place where all organisational
issues are discussed, and all the planning will happen. Its really important
that you sign up, because okay_computer planning will no longer be happening
on your other lists. This should save us all a lot of bother I think! : )

*For attendees:* this list will keep you informed and help you to contribute
your ideas, time and muscle to future events. It will give you a good place
to get technical advise or assistance, and will be a good place for you to
learn more about free software.

So, who ever you are, please do come join this list and get involved. If we
all work together, we can all help make okay computer bigger, better, freeer
and more welcoming than ever!

*How to join the list,* click on the link below and put your details in the
boxes as asked. Then, click "subscribe." You will get an email in your
in-box noting your request, and then another asking you to confirm. Once you
have confirmed (by following the instructions in the email) you are then on
the list.


If you are an active member of a specific group, it might be helpful for you
to put then name of the group along side your user name. For example: Bob
Smith - FSFE, or Josephine Blogs - ManLug. This helps people (like me and
novice attendees) who are not so familiar with all the groups, to get to
know more about the free software (et. al.) scene in the north west : )

*How to use the list:* If you want to send an email to the list, you need to
use the list address like a normal email.

The list email address is: okay_computer at pielists.net .

Your email message will then automatically go to everyone else on the list,
and they can all reply, and everyone will see their reply too! Its like a
big email conversation. If *you *want to reply to an email, make sure you
click "reply to all" (not just "reply) because otherwise you may be replying
to one person and not everyone. Sometimes you might just want to talk to one
person however: this is called an "offlist email." In this instance, use
"reply" or their normal personal email address.

Lists can be a bit overwhelming if you are new to them, but never fear, you
will get used to it all very quickly, and help its always at hand. If you *
are* new, watch especially for replies WITHIN the text of your original
email. For example

*Anna at email.co.uk *said

I think we should have more vegan cakes this time, they were really lush.
bob at email.co.uk* replied

>I think we should have more vegan cakes this time, they were really lush*
Yes, I agree, lushalicious cake mmmm!

*Thanks for reading*

I hope to see many of you on list sometime soon!

Yours faithfully

Miss Anna F J Morris
Birth Mother of Okay_Computer

Fsuk-manchester mailing list
Fsuk-manchester at nongnu.org

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