[Bradford] Meeting Wednesday 28th
Alice Kaerast
alice at kaerast.info
Tue Mar 20 20:21:13 UTC 2012
I'm sure we could have another go at running a Google Hangout if you
really want to join us virtually (or Big Blue Button if you're set on
a completely open source solution, but it's pretty horrible)
As for topics of discussion, I've been doing a lot of work with
HAProxy and stunnel for load balancing http traffic recently and could
potentially demo one of my systems if I have time to anonymise the
configs and stats. I'm also doing some work with Glusterfs for
distributed and replicated network storage so I could maybe give a
brief overview of what that does for us. And if anybody's interested
in learning git then I could facilitate a practical session with
people playing githug <https://github.com/Gazler/githug> on laptops.
Ps. I'm on the lookout for PHP developers and sysadmins again, and
possibly a .net and python developer too. Talk to me at the meeting
if you're looking for work.
On 20 March 2012 19:45, Brian <bradlug at techchico.org.uk> wrote:
> Pity I'm going to miss Graham's talk. My apologies for the next meeting, I
> will be in Spain.
> Brian
> ________________________________
> From: David Carpenter <david.carpenter at nornir.co.uk>
> To: bradford <bradford at mailman.lug.org.uk>
> Sent: Tuesday, 20 March 2012, 9:38
> Subject: [Bradford] Meeting Wednesday 28th
> First call for topics, discussion points, talks, for the 28th March.
> I should have Graham Glover and Tim Ward coming to tell us about Munzee,
> but other than that, nothing planned.
> Any offers?
> Life on line at the National Media Museum opens on March 30th, so maybe
> there's an activity for us for April.
> Cheers
> David
> --
> David Carpenter
> nornir
> E: david.carpenter at nornir.co.uk
> Skype: carpenter.david
> Please save paper and only print this email if you have to.
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Mx Alice Kaerast
Devops supergirl, agile coach, corporate sysadmin
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