[Bradford] A report from our last meeting

Darren Drapkin darren.drapkin at ntlworld.com
Sun Jul 14 20:24:29 UTC 2019

This evening at Bradlug, Bernard showed us the results of his night 
photography kit, powered by his rasperry PI. We saw, after some image 
enhancement in VLC media player, a hedgehog wandering past his hide, a crate 
in his garden. We also had a browse round the logs of a non-functioning email 
server and its web client.  It was not so amusing as a running system, but was 
usefull as an object lesson in inspecting logs. I piped up with my intent to 
run a self-hosted wordpress site. The opinion of most was, that it would be 
too jucy a target for computer crooks, for it to be usefull to me.

Can you do better??
Yours &c.
Darren Drapkin

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