[Bradford] Fruit Pies

Moanin moanin at mikegoodman.uk
Sun Dec 13 00:03:36 UTC 2020

Hi Folks,

I just wanted to buy a Raspberry Pi
But there's so many models I now want to cry.
It's really confusing so please tell me why
It's so hard to know which Raspberry Pi?

Continuing with my efforts to get to grips with programming I thought it 
may be a good idea to get one of these. But so many choices! The 
commercial offerings were bad enough but there seem to be a never ending 
list of them on raspberrypi.org, from version 1 to 4 and each with its 
own variations. From a "sticking with Linux" perspective, should I be 
getting the latest or will an earlier version suit my needs? They all 
look affordable. But I don't want to have to fight off 'Doze and 'Tosh 
if I get something towards the shinier end!

My objective is to set one up as a server, then write and test simple 
programmes. I'd also like to start knocking up a few web pages using the 
Smarty templating engine, to get a handle on its basic principles. I 
don't mind if it means deleting earlier work to make space but I gather 
they can hold quite a lot?

The main question: Which "board" to get - online it looks like boards or 
you can buy one in a box but is there much point in that beyond 
cosmetics? Several people brought theirs to the BradLUG meetings, 
remember those anybody? so hopefully a few of you can help to enlighten 
me? :)

Am I right in thinking I can plug one into the laptop or PC to get a 
screen? What other bits and pieces will I need?

Any recommendations for a UK supplier? I found thepihut.com which prices 
in £p. There's Farnell too, which used to be in Armley but were bought 
out. No idea how reliable or trustworthy any of them are though.

Finally, are they upgradeable? So for instance I may only need say 2gb 
just now but could I add more or is it better to start off with say 8gb? 
What's the maximum?

Any and all help and/or tips welcomed warmly.



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