[Chester LUG] Anybody want this laptop FOC?

Stuart Burns stuart.james.burns at gmail.com
Sun Mar 18 16:48:00 UTC 2007

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick one before I stick it on Freecycle. Does anyone want the
following (broken!) laptop. Its in good working order, just the screen is
broken. Could be an idea low power home server if you install it then use
SSH (the power of geekness shall shine through!)

Dell Latitude X200 with docking bay (CD Rom/Floppy disk)
256 MB RAM
30/40 GB HDD
Extra long life batt (still good)
100 MBit Ethernet
56K Modem
Windows 2000 CD Key ;)

Its one of these ultra portables. Nice little laptop till some silly person
(putting it politely) hit the screen in the wrong place)

First come first served. Just want it gone this week
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