[Chester LUG] CD/DVD Backup Script

Michael Crilly e-mail at mcrilly.co.uk
Wed Apr 9 21:00:31 UTC 2008


	I wanted to share a simple(?) script I wrote today that rips and backs
up a CD or DVD (at present, it uses 'dd' by default so it won't handle
commercial/encrypted DVDs) to a compressed and encrypted ISO file.


The script has some dependencies:

	* It requires dd;
	* ncrypt (though encryption is optional, see below);
	* tar and
	* 7za for the compression.

Of course, there are variables at the top of the script to let you
define your own tools and their flags, if you like. The dependencies
above are merely for the default values.

sh back-it-up.sh /dev/<cdrom> /back/up/point/filename [-e] [-w]

(or you can 'chmod +x back-it-up.sh' for the './back-it-up.sh' effect)

The first parameter is for the block device of your CD/DVD drive. The
backup point is the location of where you want the backup to be place,
oddly enough. You don't need to apply a .iso extension, all that is done
for you.

The '-e' trigger is to let the script know you want to encrypt the
compressed iso file. '-w' is used to tell the script you want to remove
the originally ripped .iso file and the .iso.tar.compressed file.

Let me know what you think, even if you think it's completely useless! I
know it needs a few teaks here and there, but ultimately I'm hoping to
write this again in Java. 

- MC

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