[Chester LUG] Room Hire

David Holden dh at iucr.org
Sun Apr 20 12:11:13 UTC 2008

On Friday 18 April 2008, Les Pritchard wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've had a response re. room hire and the good news is they will give us a
> room at a discounted rate.  The rooms start from £14 and are big enough for
> what we need, so that's really good news I think.
> The only downside is there is no net access there.  They did tell me that
> they gained access to a near by 'free' wireless network in the past that we
> may be able to use!  I'm going to take a trip over there to see if the AP
> really is free....or just the property of someone who doesn't realise!
> The room rate is excellent for us, but if we could find somewhere with net
> access that would be even better.
> I'll keep you updated.  (Any other venues you find, please let me know)
> Les

Sounds good, have they got tee/coffee making facilities?


Dr. David Holden.

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