[Chester LUG] Distros for the eeepc

Paul Williams wilp4a at hotmail.co.uk
Tue May 20 14:43:10 UTC 2008

Hi guys.  time for an update.

Ubuntu on the eeepc died a death.  It took ages to get it on my sdhc card, as my 2g model cant fit the distro on the 2gb ssd.  I couldn't be bothered to go through all the hastle of putting it back on -not when Xandros cent back on in 12 minutes!

Still, it leaves me with a distro I'm not too keen on, that isn't really supported by asus (all the packages seem geared towards the 4g model).

What I'm after is a distro that is small, and will leave me with plenty of space on the ssd (supplied version of xandros is 1.6 GB installed - 2.3 on the 4 g model tho.).

I need one that is easy to install (pref simple graphical installer), and updated regularly, with good support.

I looked at Puppy linux, but there's no guarantees that it'll work.  I heard about pupeee linux, which is puppy for the eeepc, but I couldn't seem to find a full iso, just a bunch of files.

Any ideas (remember, newbie here, please keep it simple!)



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