[Chester LUG] Need some work done for free? (a.k.a. blatant plug)

Ben Arnold iamseawolf at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 16:59:44 UTC 2008

Hey everyone --

Those at the last meet a couple of Thursdays back may remember me
saying the end of this year sees my university work placement. I am
just pitching myself if anyone knows of somewhere that needs a geek
for a bit!

This is the gritty bit:
It is six weeks starting in May and should - preferably - be work on a
project, either new or currently running but can just as easily be
shadowing someone for daily tasks. As it's all voluntary work, the
time could be split into research, development and testing... then
thrown out the window if need be, just to say we tried. Of course, I
would like to see it going on but it's not a necessity. In terms of
the theme, anything 'open' would be great but I understand that that
could be tricky. I'm happy with anything from websites to scribbling
out a bit of Java code (ahem) or hardware stuff. Location-wise, I'm
near the Fountains roundabout at Northgate so anywhere within cycling
distance is perfect!

Sorry to make this post a bit spammish but I'm just trying to get the
word out :)

Thanks guys,

|             seawolf             |
|           Ben  Arnold           |
|    e-mail / msn / icq / web     |
| ben.arnold.inbox (at) gmail.com |

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