[Chester LUG] Virtualisation

David Holden dh at iucr.org
Thu Oct 23 12:05:55 UTC 2008

On Thursday 23 October 2008, Paul Williams wrote:
> Yeah, I've managed to get everything (so far tried) working apart from USB.
>  Guest Additions solved a lot of problems, but until I get USB up and
> running, I'm sticking with a dual boot.
> Also gotta ask, will I need to tweak anything in it when I upgrade from
> Hardy to Intrepid next week?
> Cheers
> Paul

I think its worth googling the USB issue, I managed to get my usb mouse 
working after a bit fiddling. With regard to tweaking, firstly I've never 
been happy generally with doing a OS upgrade, I usually backup my files and 
install afresh, however with regard to VirtualBox, I've found it to be quite 
smart, i.e. if it needs to compile kernel modules it does it automatically.

I have found however recently when I did a kernel upgrade on the guest I 
needed to reinstalled the guest addins.



Dr. David Holden.

See: <http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html>
regarding Word or PowerPoint. GPG key available on request.

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