[Chester LUG] LUG Event

Stuart Burns stuart.james.burns at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 17:35:41 UTC 2009

I would be happy to have socials every month and technical ewvery
oter. I wouldn't even mind one of each every month. However my only
question is if it where based around talks etc, would there be enough
time to organise the material for the talk, ifyswim.

Anyhow just my two pence worth.

On 2/11/09, Les Pritchard <les.pritchard at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We've been talking for a while about having technical events where we can
> get together and have talks on certains topics.  I have a venue now and am
> looking at potential dates for our first gathering.
> Could you all help me out by answering these (badly phrased) questions :-)
> 1. Would you like this event to replace the socials?
> 2. If not, would you be interested in the socials running every month and
> then technical talks say every other month?
> 3. Or would you prefer socials and tech talks alternating every other month?
> 4. If we are keeping the events seperate, would you prefer me booking the
> venue for another Thursday in the month or would you prefer another evening
> - say 2nd Wednesday of the month (if it was available)
> Your thoughts are appreciated!!
> Personally I'd be happy with sayng yes to number 2 but I'd like to see if
> people would be able to attend 2 events in a month every other month.
> Les

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