[Chester LUG] LUG Social Meet next week *New venue*

Stuart Burns stuart.james.burns at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 12:37:59 UTC 2010

Mike - SATA or PATA disk ?

On 21 April 2010 13:18, Les Pritchard <les.pritchard at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yep, I'll probably be there early as I'll come straight from work.
> See you next week.
> On 21 April 2010 11:57, Stuart Burns <stuart.james.burns at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'll be there! Usual time?
>> On 20 April 2010 23:51, Ben Arnold <iamseawolf at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Whoo, Thatchers, Okells & Northgate! Ahem. I mean... we may not annoy
>>> the uni any longer with geeky presentations!
>>> If a pair of asp.net & Rails sites actually work and test together,
>>> see you Thursday! *gulps* :)
>>> Ben
>>> --
>>> Ben Arnold
>>> Chester, UK
>>> e: ben at seawolfsanctuary.com
>>> w: seawolfsanctuary.com | t: @seawolf
>>> nom = { :cookies => :mouth }
>>> nom; nom; nom
>>> On Tuesday 20 April 2010 17:18:12 Les Pritchard wrote:
>>> > Hi all,
>>> >
>>> > As last month the reminder for the social went out very late, I
>>> > thought I'd send a reminder over a week ahead this time! Well it's
>>> > not really that, I just wanted to let you know that I've found a
>>> > different venue for this month's social. I've booked the top room
>>> > in the Bear & Billet. It's a nice big room with two large tables,
>>> > so feel free to bring your laptops / any other tech!
>>> >
>>> > I thought it would be good to try out somewhere different with
>>> > space to ourselves (and what seems to be a nice venue). They've
>>> > agreed to let us have the room for free providing we're buying
>>> > drinks, anyone buying food would obviously go down well too! (It's
>>> > steak night on Thursdays).
>>> >
>>> > If everyone is happy with it, we could hopefully make that our
>>> > regular meeting place. The management have warned me that if the
>>> > Thursday clashes with a big football game / other event they won't
>>> > be able to let us use it, but if it's a good venue I'm willing to
>>> > temporarily move for the odd one.
>>> >
>>> > Les
>>> >
>>> > p.s. For anyone who doesn't know the pub, it's just down the road
>>> > from the Old King's Head at the bottom of Lower Bridge Street, so
>>> > parking should be ok.
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