[Chester LUG] Where are all the Linux jobs?

Tim Dobson lists at tdobson.net
Tue Aug 17 00:03:32 UTC 2010

On 15/08/10 23:19, Stuart Burns wrote:
> Hey everyone.
> I am looking at Linux jobs. Yes I know I have a new job etc etc ;)
> However I was thinking of going for my full RHCE and then RH Certified
> security specialist. Just taking the RHCE exam is about £800 by the time
> you figure in lost wages!
> However the crazy thing is, Jobserve, the largest of the advertising
> boys, has zero jobs for RHCSS and only a few that mention RHCE with
> decent salaries. Am I missing something or visiting the wrong places?

Probably, but I'm not an expert.

Firstly, are you on:
If not, join.
It's not amazing 'oop north' but occasionally stuff does come up.

I think the thing about industry qualifications, especially in IT is
that only some types of business hire by them.

I don't really want to get into the full "qualifications vs self taught"
or "recruiters vs direct" battles but it's worth remembering that
$pieceofpaper/$demonstrationofskillz will put you ahead in many
interviews, even if they haven't specified it.

I'd be interested to hear what you ultimately choose to do, I've been
considering a getting a CCNA for several years now.



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