[Chester LUG] Some cool commands you may not have known about

Ben Arnold iamseawolf at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 09:55:42 UTC 2010

On Sunday 28 February 2010 22:41:57 Stuart Burns wrote:

> Firstly lets start simple: mtr
Oh stars, that's good! Cheers!
The mtr on Fedora needs to run under sudo though, or chmod 4755 

> Secondly, watch.
Yesterday I put watch df -h in to a script for exactly that reason!
xterm -e 'sudo watch -n 5 cat /var/log/messages'
is a good one :)



Ben Arnold
Chester, UK

e: iamseawolf at gmail.com
e: ben at seawolfsanctuary.com
w: seawolfsanctuary.com

nom = { :cookies => :mouth }
nom; nom; nom
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