[Chester LUG] Two Athlon based systems, with keyboards and mice £60 the pair

Michael Crilly mrcrilly at googlemail.com
Sat Nov 6 16:10:29 UTC 2010

£60 for both!?

I'll take them :D

On 6 Nov 2010, at 16:05, Stuart Burns wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Now I know this isn't my personal sales venue but its a plea for mercy. Why you may ask ? Well the house rewire needs all the space clear to run new cables and these pcs are in the way. They  are both Athlons 64 bit machines with at least half a gig if not a gig. I just want them out my office as thats where the lodger put them and I have offered to get rid of them on his behalf. It all works I might add ;)
> Anybody want them ?
> OK so the specs are ( I was trying to get away with being lazy)
> #1 AMD Athlon 2000 XP at 1.6GHz, DVD ROM, DVD RW (as in two devices) , 20 GB hard drive and 1.25GB RAM
> #2 AMD 64 3300 @ 2.20 GHz with 768 MB RAM, 2 * DVD Writers, 48 GB HDD
> Please someone take pity on me. Decent home servers ;)
> Disclaimer: These machines are not mine so I am not responsible for any donkey related imagery if they dont get wiped by said lodger. ;)
> Can deliver!
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