[Chester LUG] Android 2.3 upgrade

Dan Lynch biglynchy at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 12:15:10 UTC 2011

The upgrades are dependant on the carrier, unless you bought an unlocked
phone straight from HTC. I have a Desire and I'm on O2 but I rooted it long
ago and install custom ROMs quite often. It's still SIM locked to O2 and
cracking that looked too much hassle for me but it's possible. If you do
that it gets OTA updates for HTC.

I've been running CyanogenMod 7 for a month or two and I like it a lot.
That's Android 2.3 with some added tweaks. I'd recommend it if your phone is

On Jun 17, 2011 12:39 PM, "Thomas Prophett" <thomas at thomasprophett.co.uk>
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