[Chester LUG] Triple monitors

Stuart Burns stuart.james.burns at gmail.com
Tue Nov 8 13:05:43 UTC 2011

Hi there,

Most of what I do is scripting (powershell) office and a bit of graphics. I
don't do games, at all, on the pc. It may well expand into graphics in a
bigger way though as I am  going to apply to  night school for digital

I would say,all in, my budget would be about £1200. How that splits down
doesnt really matter. Windows 7 doesn't matter. Also disk space on a system
doesn't matter as I have an external ISCSI storage array.


On 8 November 2011 12:54, Thomas Prophett <thomas at thomasprophett.co.uk>wrote:

> Hi Stu
> What is the purpose of this new setup? Office only, Graphics work, PC
> Games etc
> What is your budget for the desktop?
> What is your budget for the 21" Monitors?
> Thomas.
> On 8 November 2011 12:29, Stuart Burns <stuart.james.burns at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Just looking for a bit of feedback on multi monitor solutions. Now i have
>> the time to do up my man shed (aka the office) I am looking to upgrade a
>> bit. At present I have a single monitor solution a 24" HP job (There were 2
>> but one blew up and they are no longer available to buy). It's all well and
>> good but it can be a bit awkward at times. So I am looking for
>> recommendations on:
>> New desktops, although
>> http://www.ebuyer.com/279905-acer-aspire-m3970-desktop-pt-sg5e9-010looks to be a good one for the money.
>> Video cards to drive 3 * 21" monitors.
>> Monitors (21")
>> Setting them up (I like the look of this
>> http://www.ergotron.com/Products/tabid/65/PRDID/197/language/en-US/Default.aspx)
>> and cable management.
>> Any advice taken on board!
>> Stu
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Stuart Burns
E: stuart.james.burns at gmail.com
M: [redacted]
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